Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Symmetry and Asymmetry

  Symmetry is when you split something in half and you get the same exact thing on each side. For example, in this picture, if I were to cut it vertically you will get the exact same mirror image on both sides. 

Asymmetry is when neither of the sides you split vertically or horizontally will be the same on each side. Like, in this picture, no matter how you cut it, it will not be balanced equally on both sides. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Scale and Proportion

Proportion here for example, is the coaches and the table placement. Also help from the wall behind the table would focus the eye and improve the proportions of the room.

Scale here is how both matches are the same, however, the one on the left is smaller than the one on the right.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hierarchy is the order of importance. In a band, all instruments are important, but the lead singer comes first.

The lead singer is always known as the band leader. The lead singer is most important because the lead singer sings the lyrics of a song and leads the other band members.

The guitarist is important because it creates the melody of the song and makes it more interesting. A lot of songs also have guitar solos when the lead singer takes a break from singing.

The drummer also is important because they create the beat and rhythm to a song.

The bassist is important because they add the background beat to a song, and also plays alongside the guitarist.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Difference Between Unity and Variety

Unity creates a feeling of order. When unity is possessed in a design, you will notice they're a lot of consistency of shapes and sizes. Along with color and pattern. This can be achieved by repeating key elements and  balancing them throughout the composition. 
Unity also shows completeness and appearance in the elements, showing them that they belong together. When seeing a design that has unity, you see it as a whole, not separate elements with the design. However, using too many shapes and forms may cause the design to be cluttered. 


Variety is the use of different elements in the artwork. Variety creates excitment. Art that has too much variety is "busy" and confused. Too much unity is boring. The artist's job is to find that perfect balance between the two.To use variety is to combine different elements (differences in shape, color, line, texture) into one composition. For example, a crayon box contains a variety of colors. A coin purse contains variety in size.